For Foreigner

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For Foreigner」(2019/06/30 (日) 13:20:37) の最新版変更点



赤い文字の部分は今後変更する場合があるもの。 *Introduction Japanese Haxball League ―― is a competition which is held by “&font(b,blue){&bold(){Mokele}}” every &font(b,blue){&bold()Friday/Saturday} starting from &font(b,blue){&bold()10:30 p.m. (JP time zone)} You can watch the game(s) through “NicoNico” live streaming on that day. One of the following &font(b,red){放送者 broadcaster} will live the games (in Japanese): &bold(){[[Mokele>]]}  &bold(){[[nuo>]]}  &bold(){[[minami>]]}  &bold(){[[ちょじ(Choji)>]]} ---- *How to Join You may join the Japanese League by the following methods. *** 1. &bold(){Creat a new team by yourself} Please note that you have to &font(b,blue){invite others by yourself}. Otherwise, you may also wait for “&font(b,blue){ドラフト Draft}” (&italic(){&bold(){a system that would be conduct on that day for those team who want some free participant(s) as one-day helper(s)}}). In case your team does not have any other regular members, you can participant in &bold()&font(b,red){予選リーグ preliminary (primary) league only}. Please report to “&font(b,blue){Mokele}” using Chatwork with your &font(b,blue){Team Name}, also &font(b,blue){Team Leader/Director Name} (who are responsible for picking the helper(s) by “Draft” and the arrangement of player in every game). If you find it difficult, you may also report to the broadcaster that mentioned even in a public room. For director, please read and understand about the &bold(){Played Point} (refer to the Rule Page). *** 2. Join Existing Team You may contact the director in your way in order to join the team. &font(b,red)&bold(){[[Here is the list of existing team(Japanese only).>]]} Or you may see the page by clicking &font(b,red){チーム一覧&メンバー募集} in the left hand side ***3. Participate in “Draft” as One-Day Helper Please join the &bold(){[[Chat Room>]]} for League around &font(b,blue){10:30p.m. (JP time zone)} >&bold(){Press 入室/発言 → Type your name beside 入室する → Entre the room by 入室する} It is strongly suggested to claim that you are not able to understand Japanese at the beginning in order to remind the operator to use English for you during the process. You have to &bold(){wait for being picked} by other team. However, please note that &bold(){you may not be picked by any team or even not able to participate in the game}. ---- **&bold(){Rules} ***&bold()1. Format -&font(b,blue){Map:Big Easy} -&font(b,blue){Time Limit:4mins} -&font(b,blue){Score Limit:None} -&font(b,blue){Draw:Yes} -&font(b,blue){Goal at 4:00 sharply will not be counted} ***&bold()2. Played Point Providing the chance of play to more participant(s), Mokele has carried out the &bold(){Played Point System} .  ①Player(s) who play &bold(){fully in 2games} or more can get &bold(){1point} for the team.   While there are a limit &bold(){6points(final league)} and &bold(){8points(primary league)} for every team.  ②No any Played Point for the Late Participant(s)   &bold(){Participant(s) who come after the start of Draft will be considered as Late Participant}   However, regular team member who able to join before 1st game is excepted. ***&bold()3. Winning Point and Order Winning Point &font(b,blue){3points for Winner, 1point when draw and 0point for loser (every match)} Order &font(b,blue){① Calculating sum of the Winning Point and Played Point. If it is same;} &font(b,blue){② Calculating sum of Goal(+) and Lost(-). If it is same;} &font(b,blue){③ Considering total no. of Goal. If it is same;} &font(b,blue){④ Considering the result of match between both team. If it is same;} &font(b,blue){⑤Order finals} In case the league is held with &font(b,blue){5 teams}, &font(b,blue){Winning Match} will be conduct between 1st and 2nd team &font(b,blue){without considering their point}. ***&bold()4. Winning Match -Map:Big Easy -Time: 4mins for both first-half and second-half match -Score Limit:None -Team with higher order decides to play 3on3 or 4on4 -Exchanging field after 4mins -0.5point will be given to higher order team in case of draw -The team with higher score will be the winner} ***&bold()5. Substituting the Player Director can only &font(b,blue){substitute the player before kick off}. It is suggested to Pause by yourself (the Director) and claim for it. ***&bold()6.Problem occurrs with the Room ① &font(b,blue){Ending the game} if the remaining time ≦ &font(b,blue){29seonds}. ② Room will be &font(b,blue){recreated} if the remaining time ≧&font(b,blue){30seconds} with the &font(b,blue){same score as before}.   Game Time will be &font(b,blue){Rounded Down(1~30seconds)} to 0min / &font(b,blue){Rounded up(31~59seconds)} to 1min >Game Time 1:30 → Start from 1:00 >Game Time 1:31 → Start from 2:00 ***&bold()7. Addressing Personal Trouble(s) In case of: >①Player leave the room suddenly >②Claimed by the director or the person himself >③Judge Decision -「トラブル発生。約10秒後に試合を止めます。(Trouble occurs, Game will be stopped after 10seconds)」 will be announced by the Judge -Pause by the Judge -Wait for the player back with &font(b,blue){maximum 2mins}, or use other team members. -Substitution will be available as high priority after goal but before the pause.
赤い文字の部分は今後変更する場合があるもの。 *Introduction Japanese Haxball League ―― is a competition which is held by “&font(b,blue){&bold(){Mokele}}” every &font(b,blue){&bold()Friday/Saturday} starting from &font(b,blue){&bold()10:30 p.m. (JP time zone)} You can watch the game(s) through “NicoNico” live streaming on that day. One of the following &font(b,red){放送者 broadcaster} will live the games (in Japanese): &bold(){[[Mokele>]]}  &bold(){[[nuo>]]}  &bold(){[[minami>]]}  &bold(){[[ちょじ(Choji)>]]} ---- *How to Join You may join the Japanese League by the following methods. *** 1. &bold(){Creat a new team by yourself} Please note that you have to &font(b,blue){invite others by yourself}. Otherwise, you may also wait for “&font(b,blue){ドラフト Draft}” (&italic(){&bold(){a system that would be conduct on that day for those team who want some free participant(s) as one-day helper(s)}}). In case your team does not have any other regular members, you can participant in &bold()&font(b,red){予選リーグ preliminary (primary) league only}. Please report to “&font(b,blue){Mokele}” using Chatwork with your &font(b,blue){Team Name}, also &font(b,blue){Team Leader/Director Name} (who are responsible for picking the helper(s) by “Draft” and the arrangement of player in every game). If you find it difficult, you may also report to the broadcaster that mentioned even in a public room. For director, please read and understand about the &bold(){Played Point} (refer to the Rule Page). *** 2. Join Existing Team You may contact the director in your way in order to join the team. &font(b,red)&bold(){[[Here is the list of existing team(Japanese only).>]]} Or you may see the page by clicking &font(b,red){チーム一覧&メンバー募集} in the left hand side ***3. Participate in “Draft” as One-Day Helper Please join the &bold(){[[Chat Room>]]} for League around &font(b,blue){10:30p.m. (JP time zone)} >&bold(){Press 入室/発言 → Type your name beside 入室する → Entre the room by 入室する} It is strongly suggested to claim that you are not able to understand Japanese at the beginning in order to remind the operator to use English for you during the process. You have to &bold(){wait for being picked} by other team. However, please note that &bold(){you may not be picked by any team or even not able to participate in the game}. ---- **&bold(){Rules} ***&bold()1. Format -&bold(){Map:Big Easy} -&bold(){Time Limit:4mins} -&bold(){Score Limit:None} -&bold(){Draw:Yes} -&font(b,blue){Goal at 4:00 sharply will not be counted} ***&bold()2. Played Point Providing the chance of play to more participant(s), Mokele has carried out the &bold(){Played Point System} .  ①Player(s) who play &font(b,blue){fully in 2games} or more can get &font(b,blue){1point} for the team.   While there are a limit &bold(){6points(final league)} and &bold(){8points(primary league)} for every team.  ②No any Played Point for the &font(b,blue){Late Participant(s)}   &bold(){Participant(s) who come after the start of Draft will be considered as Late Participant}   However, regular team member who able to join before 1st game is excepted. ***&bold()3. Winning Point and Order &bold(){Winning Point} &font(b,blue){3points for Winner, 1point when draw and 0point for loser (every match)} &bold(){Order} ① &bold(){Calculating sum of the Winning Point and Played Point}. If it is same; ② &bold(){Calculating sum of Goal(+) and Lost(-)}. If it is same; ③ &bold(){Considering total no. of Goal}. If it is same; ④ &bold(){Considering the result of match between both team}. If it is same; ⑤ &font(b,blue){Order Final between both 1st team} Order Final will be also conduct &font(b,blue){between 1st and 2nd team according to the total no. of games} on that day &font(b,blue){without considering their point}. Please follow the Judge's instruction. ***&bold()4. Order Final -&bold(){Map:Big Easy} -&bold(){Time: 4mins} (for both first-half and second-half of the match) -&bold(){Score Limit:None} -&bold(){Exchanging field} after the first-half of the match (interval) -&font(b,blue){Team with higher order decides to play 3on3 or 4on4 (before the first-half and during the interval)} -&font(b,blue){0.5score will be given to the higher order team} as an advantage -&bold(){Team with higher total score will be the winner} ***&bold()5. Substituting the Player Director can only &font(b,blue){substitute the player before kick off}. It is suggested to Pause by yourself (the Director) and claim for it. ***&bold()6. Addressing Room Problem ① &font(b,blue){Ending the game} if &font(b,blue){Game Time ≧ 3:31} ② Room will be &font(b,blue){recreated} with the &font(b,blue){same score} as before, if &font(b,blue){Game Time ≦ 3:30}   &font(b,blue){Game Time (seconds part)} will be &font(b,blue){Rounded Down(1~30seconds)} to 0seconds / &font(b,blue){Rounded up(31~59seconds)} to 60seconds >&bold(){Example1: Game Time 1:30 → Re-Start from 1:00} >&bold(){Example2: Game Time 1:31 → Re-Start from 2:00} ***&bold()7. Addressing Personal Trouble(s) In case of: >&bold(){① Player leave the room suddenly} >&bold(){② Desynchronised} >&bold(){③ Claimed by the director or the person himself} >&bold(){④ Judge Decision} -「&bold(){トラブル発生。約10秒後に試合を止めます}。(Trouble occurs, Game will be stopped after 10seconds)」 will be announced by the Judge -&bold(){Pause by the Judge} -Wait for the player back with &font(b,blue){the maximum time 2mins}, or use other team members. -Substitution will be also available as high priority after goal but before the pause.

